To request an application for your original first ID card, email your name, ID number, current home address, phone number, and preferred email address to: . Each application has detailed information on filling the form, where to mail the application, and the fees for the cards.
To request a replacement or renewal card, verify/update your current contact information (ID number, home address, phone, email) at and request a renewal-replacement card application. The fees for ID cards are $30 for an original first-time-ordered card and $15 for a replacement or renewal card.
Only enrolled tribe members may request a member certificate. Unless circumstances do not allow, non-dependent adults should request their own certificates. To request the free Certificate of Tribal Membership, email your name, ID number, current home address, and phone number to and state that you want a member certificate. Member certificates PDFs are emailed to requesting members.
To request the Tribe's free e-Newsletter delivered by email and receive up-to-date news on the tribe, email Robert Soto to have your name and email address added to the list.